Your law firm runs on you, your team and… your and your team’s Mac computers.
As such, it’s imperative that you invest the necessary time and resources into ensuring that the very people who keep the lights on for your law firm have the very best in technology to do their jobs.
How Much Should You Spend?
Before we dive into a discussion on which Mac is best for your growing law firm, it’s important to consider your budget. All Apple products are reliable, reputable, and secure. The nuances come into play when you begin trying to decide which specifications you need or want in a computer.
That said, it’s worth reminding you right from the outset that investing in computers is relatively inexpensive, especially when you spread that cost over the hundreds of days, dozens of months, and numerous years of near-constant use.
Take, for example, a $1,300 computer that gets used 45 hours per week for 5 years. Per hour, that amounts to a whopping 11 cents! Yes – 11 cents. You owe it to yourself – and your assistant – to buy the biggest, fastest, and sleekest Mac so you can all efficiently do your jobs.
Notebook versus Desktop
Now that we’ve covered some basic budget considerations, it’s helpful to narrow down which type of computer you’d like – a MacBook or an iMac or Mac Pro. The most obvious difference between a laptop and a desktop is mobility.
Notebooks afford that obvious flexibility, and therefore deciding between the two really comes down to where and how you work. If you consistently work in the same location and do everything from that office, then a desktop may be a better choice. If you travel or want the ability to take the office with you, then choose a powerful MacBook.
While Notebooks have plenty of power for the average lawyer, as a desktop replacement, they’re a bit odd. Apple itself doesn’t sell a docking station, and though there are many to choose from, most lawyers dread the cables that come with docking stations and having to hook up additional external monitors. It completely negates the sleekness of having a Mac.
In terms of desktop specifics, Apple recently shook up the landscape when it comes to options. Previously a lot of lawyers were buying the 27” iMac (rather than the 21”) for the optimal one-screen setup. But, Apple did away with the 21” and 27” iMacs and has replaced them with a 24” iMac and the 27” Studio Display. So far, the jury is still out on what people are going to prefer.
Additionally, Apple also now has new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros on the market. These are ultra-high-quality computers with superior battery life, processing power, memory, and a 1080p HD camera. And let’s not forget iPads as part of this conversation. iPads, however, are still consumer-focused (meaning they’re designed for people to consume information, rather than create). If you want to get work done, an iPad with a keyboard is a poor substitute for a MacBook.
Have a Question about Apple? We Can Help.
As you consider the best Mac options for your law firm, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Honeycrisp with any questions you may have about these and other Apple products.
We offer tech solutions exclusively for law firms and can help guide you through your options as you switch your law firm to Apple or upgrade your existing Mac. Get in touch with our team to schedule a free consultation.