IT companies help law firms in two ways. In the most basic sense, they work to:

  1. Prevent major issues from arising in the first place, thereby saving time, money and headaches for the firm down the road.
  2. Reactively fix issues after they have occurred.

While the labels “prevention” and “correction” broadly categorize the services an IT firm offers, not surprisingly, there are myriad nuances in between these two extremes.

In this post, we’ll discuss several ways having a dedicated IT support team at your side can benefit your law firm and help you assess whether or not your firm has a strong business case for investing in IT support.

Ways a Dedicated IT Partner Supports Your Law Firm

Every law firm relies on technology to power its firm, but not every law firm may require dedicated IT support. Admittedly, that sounds a little strange to say coming from an IT company, but we’ve seen time and again that no two firms are alike in their technology needs. Smaller firms may not require the same level of technology support in their early years as they will after their business scales and their tech needs change.

Before any law firm – big or small – decides to invest in IT support, it’s important to evaluate their business needs and consider operational goals. If you’re unsure about how dedicated IT support can impact your firm, please ask us your questions.

Below are a few ways an IT partner can support your firm and your Apple technology.
  • By providing data protection – Priority number one for law firms is keeping clients’ information safe and secure. Because most legal files and documents are stored in the cloud, the risk of a security breach goes up and requires proactive measures to keep your data safe. The right IT support can help keep your data secure and offer support for email protection and ransomware.
  • By identifying appropriate network equipment – At a minimum, a law firm’s network will need cabling, a modem and a router to provide internet to your team. Understanding what network equipment your firm actually needs can be complicated by factors such as the building itself and the size your staff. An IT partner can help you take on the work of determining what your firm needs in terms of network equipment.
  • By improving operational efficiency – A technology partner who specializes in Apple products can help you identify and implement effective solutions so your attorneys can manage caseloads with ease. By improving work workflows in your law firm, you’ll rev the efficiency engine of your entire office.
  • By improving productivity – When your team is equipped with the right tools and you have automated processes in place, not only will you increase your billable hours, but you will also experience a better employee and client experience.

Your law firm’s technology needs are unique to your business operations, and you may or may not need dedicated support right now. As your firm grows, however, hiring dedicated IT support can help you successfully scale your operations in the most efficient and secure way. Contact us today to learn more about all the ways we provide support for Apple-loving law firms.

Luke Kumanchik

Entrepreneur, programmer, backyard farmer & Dungeon Master Extraordinaire.