Time is your most valuable resource at a law firm, and once used, you can’t get it back. The best you can do is make sure you are spending it wisely. For attorneys, that means putting as many of those hours as possible toward billable tasks.
To get a handle on how you are truly spending your days, you need to track all your hours, not just your billable hours. Not sure why? Read this first.
Once you know where your time is being spent, you can implement solutions to
- Automate repetitive tasks
- Eliminate unproductive processes
- Boost ROI
- Accurately invoice clients
Here are some tools to help you track time efficiently.
- Your existing billing software – your existing invoicing solution may have a time-tracking component to it. If you’ve never used it, check it out. It may have all the features you need.
- Notion – if you’re already using Notion in other areas of your firm’s daily operations, you may want to give its time tracker template a try.
- Everhour – a time-tracking solution that’s gaining popularity in the professional service industry, it integrates with many other platforms including Asana, Trello, Slack and others.
- Toggl Track – they offer a free version that’s easy to use and comes with enough features to meet the needs of most users.
The list of time-tracking tools could go on for pages. Don’t waste too much time trying to find the perfect time tracker. Instead, start paying attention to the minutes that matter in your firm so you can make the most of every billable hour in your day. If you have questions about technology at your law firm and how to use it to maximize your time and productivity, get in touch with our team at Honeycrisp.