Don’t forget who you are and why your clients choose you
Part of selecting the right technology is knowing what value it brings. If that value aligns with what your clients value, then we’re on the right track.
Here’s an example of how that plays out in real life.

Product’s value doesn’t align with what the client value
I was with a client the other day going over onboarding clients – digital forms, automation and tracking. The client said, “This is great! Now my paralegal doesn’t have to do this.”
Now, this is law firm is high-touch. They have a beautiful office, a wide variety of beverages for when their clients come in, and the staff is very professional. They sit with the client and walk them through every step of the form.
Yet, here the client was, ready to hand over that entire high-touch, high-trust process to a computer.
Why does this happen?
And that’s really pretty common, especially right now. Businesses are adapting to an increase in remote workers. They’re thinking about what’s no longer there. As a result, they’re asking, How can I do without… [insert thing].
That kind of question frames your mind into doing less. Great if you’re high volume, not so much if you’re a boutique firm known for your concierge service.
High-touch clientele still want that service.
What product does align with what the client values?
Instead of shrinking, the client’s focus should be to identify a product that lets them be high-touch. While everyone else is shrinking, they will continue to offer the same great service as before.
So, what technology can help with that? Video calls, web conferencing, is a great app for a high-touch firm whose clients can no longer come into the office.
And, once we know that, we can get into how that technology can used and integrated into their processes. These questions are more practical than technological. Before key personnel can make calls, they need to have beautiful, quiet spots with lots of light, a good camera and mic to properly represent their firm. Because, if they don’t, they’ll opt for an email or phone call instead.
Don’t shrink, create value
Right now, we all can all cut our losses and protect what we already have. But we can also use this as an opportunity to give our clients what they want most.
Ask yourself what do your clients value most? Where can you improve? Is there a weak spot that has become noticeable? Don’t try to hide it. Lean into it and use technology to create more value for your clients.