Looks can be deceiving
You want to keep the many hours poured into a case safe, so you’ve turned to Dropbox to store your files. Dropbox, after all, keeps a copy of files you delete and, better still, it’s in the cloud. That certainly seems like a backup, doesn’t it?
I admit, it does. But if we strip away the abstract thought of ‘the cloud’ and think about it as a physical filing cabinet, it becomes clear why Dropbox fails at being a backup.
Think of a physical filing cabinet
As a physical filing cabinet, ask yourself where a file goes when you remove it. To the trash bin. No matter if the trash is collected every day or every 120 days, after the trash bin is emptied, your file no longer exists.
Ask yourself also, what happens if there is a fire? With all of your files in one place, you lose everything.
Do you review every file every day?
While a fire may seem unlikely or 120 days like a long time, a computer glitch, manual error, or a hack are real threats. How often do you check every file of every closed case to see if it’s been accidentally deleted or changed?
Get a backup. It’s easy
Backup services are cheap and quick to set up. You may even already pay for a service like G Suite that can be used as a backup storage location. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your firm.